Bunyip Primary School uses Compass for communicating with the school community. You will find the app in the playstore (for Android devices) or App Store (for apple devices).
Bunyip Primary School Facebook group is a closed group and has been set up to keep the school community up to date with school events and activities.
If you would like to become a member of the group, search for “Bunyip Primary School” or click on the link above and send a request, to the administrators, to join.
Please ensure you read our Facebook policy (PDF 403kb) before requesting to join.
Breakfast club is run at 8.30am on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and offers cereal, toast, juice, jaffles, milo etc to any student who wishes to pop in.
The breakfast club is staffed by volunteers (parents) and cannot run without this support. If you are interested in volunteering please contact the school. You will need to hold a valid working with children check and be double COVID-19 vaccinated.