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The canteen operates each Friday for term 1 of 2024.


In accordance with Bunyip Primary School canteen policy,  we provide healthy options and balanced foods for our students. We provide additive and preservative free options and try to avoid artificial colours and flavours to the best of our ability. We provide an extensive selection of 'over the counter' options available at recess and lunch. Hot food is baked, not fried and only available at lunch time.


We have introduced the Spriggy Schools App to order and pay for your canteen purchases. You can also see the menu on the Spriggy App. You can download the app following the link below:


Students can purchase snacks over the counter at the start of snack play, from 11:00 - 11:15am and at the start of lunch play from 1:45 - 2:00pm using cash only. We do not encourage the children to bring any more than $5.00.


Healthy eating

Developing healthy eating habits is an important lesson that we aim to promote at Bunyip Primary School. It is vital that children understand the importance of nutrition in developing physical and mental fitness as well as providing the energy they need to participate actively in life. Food and drink are vital for children to grow and develop, but the types of food that children consume, is important.


We encourage students to think about the types of food and drinks they eat in a typical day. Children are often keen to eat healthy foods when they understand that their body needs these foods to grow and develop.


All classes have introduced brain food snacks to promote healthy eating, as well as giving students an opportunity to keep energy levels up. At various times during the day, students may take a brain food break that is healthy and will provide an energy boost. Students enjoy the chance to nibble away while working, but are also learning the benefits of healthy eating habits


Brain food includes:

  • fresh fruit
  • fresh vegetables (e.g.: carrot sticks and hummus dip)


All students are encouraged to keep up their intake of water with individual water bottles permitted in classrooms. Children need to drink plenty of water, even in cooler weather, to keep their bodies functioning well.